Prophetess Angelic Woodard is a Anointed end time vessel of God whose been called to the Nation to preach deliverance to the Captive. She walks in a heavy anointing of Healing and Deliverance. She is a Wailing Woman who believes in the Power of Prayer.
Prophetess Woodard has been given the great burden to bear up those who have been crippled by life devastations. She believes that she was taken through the fire to snatch each person that God has strategically placed in her path out of that same fire to help them walk in their liberty through Christ.
Prophetess Woodard comes full and ready to pour out what God has given her for his people. The Lord uses her in varies speaking engagements at Teenage Group Homes, Drug Treatment Centers, Church Revival and Conference and also Street Ministry.
Prophetess serves under the Leadership of her Husband Apostle Michael Woodard at “ The United Apostolic Church of Jesus” in Tampa FL.